Wednesday, October 16, 2024

DNA Testing For Genealogy – The Basics

March 23, 2010 by  
Filed under DNA Testing

With recent advances in technology and the increasing interest in tracing one’s ancestry, DNA testing for genealogy research has now become affordable and easily accessible for anyone with a computer and a mailbox. While it’s important to do your research and make sure you’re dealing with a reputable company, DNA testing kits for genealogy research […]

Use Mitochondrial DNA Testing To Trace Your Lineage

March 20, 2010 by  
Filed under DNA Testing

In his book, “The Seven Daughters Of Eve”, Oxford University Professor Brian Sykes uses research obtained through mitochondrial DNA testing on specimens extracted from the Iceman to back up his conclusion that all people on Earth are direct descendants of one of the seven daughters of Eve and therefore, direct descendants of Eve herself. In […]

Why You Should Use DNA Testing For Ancestry Research

March 17, 2010 by  
Filed under Ancestry DNA Testing

In this age of computers and instant access to any type of information you want, how necessary is it to use DNA testing for your ancestry research? Especially when you can just go to the Internet and find out anything you want. A few years ago it was estimated that everyone is within 6 people […]

DNA And Family History Research – The Truth About Your Results

March 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Ancestry DNA Testing

A lot of people are under the misconception that DNA testing will reveal their entire family history. I blame it on those cop shows where every case comes to a successful close based on DNA evidence alone and half of a smudged fingerprint. DNA and family history are related to a certain degree, but not […]

Discover Your Heritage With A DNA Ethnicity Test

March 12, 2010 by  
Filed under Ethnic DNA Testing

There are several reason why you should have a DNA ethnicity test. Some ethnic groups are more prone to medical problems and diseases than others, some people need to prove their ethnic heritage in order to receive financial and legal benefits that are only available to those groups and others may need the information simply […]

Combine DNA And Genealogy Research To Fill In the Missing Branches Of Your Family Tree

March 12, 2010 by  
Filed under DNA Testing

By combining DNA and traditional methods of genealogy research you’ll get a much more accurate picture of your family tree. DNA testing can often fill in those gaps in information that you’ve been fruitlessly searching for. But don’t be surprised if that same DNA test creates another gap. Advances in technology are quickly leading us […]

Use Caution When Researching Your Ancestry – DNA Testing Results Can Be Surprising

March 12, 2010 by  
Filed under Ancestry DNA Testing

When trying to determine your ancestry, DNA testing can help you at least to determine a starting point. For example you may have been adopted as a young child and have no recollection of your natural parents or relatives. Therefore, you also can’t be sure of your ethnic or racial origin. Appearances aren’t everything and […]

Native American DNA Testing for Tribal Membership

March 3, 2010 by  
Filed under Ethnic DNA Testing

To some groups of people, like Native Americans, DNA testing is used not only to establish links to ancestors but also to determine legal rights and privileges. Tribal sovereignty and legal rights are disputed in the courts all the time and are hot topics of debate in American political arenas. States, industries and land owners […]